Relax your spine, strenghten your back and abdominal muscles. Prevent back problems and feel recharged. 20 minutes of Yoga for beginnersand intermediate students. Sukadev of Yoga Vidya guides you through the following Hatha Yoga Exercises: Relaxation, Nakarasana(crocodile), Navasana (boat for strengthening the abdomen), supported Sarvangasana (simplified shoulderstand), Matsyasana (fish), Legstretch, Shalabhasana (bird's pose), Majariasana (cat's pose), Shavasana (final relaxation). Demonstrated by Carlotta and Aruna, yogateachers at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos .Music by Yogi Hari . More Videos on
Yoga for your Back - 20 Minutes Yoga Class
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