Value management and attaining unconditional love - James Swartz - Yoga of Love, Bhakti Sutra

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In the satsang we create a sattvic atmosphere that makes it easier to focus on the knowledge. It is important to keep the knowledge active when the mind is rajasic or tamasic. When the values are assimilated the mind stays sattvic and the knowledge stays active. A change in your lifestyle may be necessary to make the mind sattvic enough. Deliberate thinking is observing the mind, step back and think about it before you act. If necessary pause, collect your thoughts, you can edit your thoughts as they come up. Pay attention that the information is appropriate, kind, timely and credible. Impulsive thinking has the need to react immediately. 11. Dispassion towards sense objects, for example music, food, sex. No obsession, except obsession for Vedanta. Assimilating these values, starting with an intellectual understanding brings you a lot of experiential and emotional satisfaction. 12. Renunciation and usterity. Eagerness to get rid of things and to live simply. Do not accumulate stuff. 13. Absence of egoism. It's about a simple recognition about the difference between my (real) Self and the ego (reflected self). Sadhana: Whenever you say the ‘I’ in the day-to-day activities ask yourself which ‘I’ is meant. This helps to discriminate. Keep track of your speech. Keep a short leash on your ego and let it walk in front of you. 14. Appreciation of time. Don’t waste time and go on with self-inquiry. 15. Absence of ownership. Is it your body or your children? Everything comes from isvara. Sadhana: Pay attention to the word ‘mine’. 16. Absence of excessive attachment to loved ones. Serve the people in your field with love but don’t get excessively attached. 17. Sameness of mind under all circumstances. Cultivate the value of a quiet mind and for sattva. Read the book Yoga of the three energies. Importance of the management of the gunas. You can remove most of the physical pain with guna management. Most of the daily pains are caused by blocked prana or tamasic energy. 18. Non-dual devotion to God. 19. Love of solitude. You can hear the silence speaking. Gradually work to it if you have a busy life. 20. Absence of craving for company. People can be in your life but you should have no need for it. 21. Constant practice of self-knowledge. 22. Value for completing or resolving things. Too much agitation prevents you from finishing projects and brings to starting new ones. Karma yoga reduces your karmic load. The degree to what you reduce your karmic load is the degree to what your mind is peaceful. Tamasic people don’t want to complete things. Rajasic people want to complete things but they are too busy to do the completion. Consequence is that they are always agitated. More Vedanta seminars. Donate to appreciate our work More english yoga seminars: Please visit Yoga Vidya for more inspiring talks and spiritual community:

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