Swami Sivananda's meeting with Great saints,Rishikesh,India

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This video captures the Meeting of many Unseen,Unheard saints and yogis of highest spritual order of India in mid of last century,who visited Swami Sivananda at his Ashram on the bank of holy ganges,himalayas India.Swami Sivananda by this time was shining at the post of sainthood as among the greatest of few saints of the century.The Greatest of all lights,Sri Ramakrishna of Previous century had glown bright and the sixteen of his prime dicsiple as his lamps had glown brighter and brighter and merged back to eternal consciousness.Now again under the discipleship of Swami Sivananda again a fresh band of monks were getting chiselled on the bank of ganges in his ashram who were again to shine as his lamps to show light to present and upcoming human society in east and west.The video outshows the Saints which have not come out to Public and Preaching,although remaining hidden in their own trancedental contentment and unbroken composure of supramental meditation and bliss-consciousness or known to Old order of monestics those who practised penance in mid of last century in Himalayas,india.The account of these meetings and saints have been given by His Holiness Swami Chidnanda,the direct diciple of Swami Sivananda,who is seen many a times in these videos as a young monk,later grew up to be the President of Divine Life Society and Indeed one of the finest Saints of Highest Spritual Alchemy Known to present mankind. More Infos on Swami Sivananda http://my.yoga-vidya.org/profile/Sivananda

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