Brahmachary Krishananda and his Mission of KnowledgeAqui, un pequeño regalo para Guru Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda y sus Misiones de Conocimiento en America, Europa y Asia.En el fondo se ve a Guru Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda, recitando los Santos Mantrams en su Ashram, en Agosto 2009.Here, a small gift for Guru Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda and his Mission of Knowledge in America, Europe and Asia.In the background Guru Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda, reciting the Holy Mantrams in his Ashram, in August 2009.Om Namah Shivaya !!!With all my Love.Premi Lucy Luz
Om Namah Shivaya Tribute to Guru Mahatma Brahmachary Krishananda
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