Devotion and dharma - James Swartz - Yoga of Love, Advaita Vedanta, Bhakti Sutra Narada

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Verse 10: Elimination of nonessential desires: worldly or emotional security, wanting to be recognized. Single goal is freedom. Active sense of renunciation is important. The only security is your self. Five stages of devotion: 1. Sakama Bhakti 2. Nishkama Bhakti. Praying to Isvara to resist your desires. “Zorba the Buddha” versus “Sin intelligently”. 3. Istha Devata Abyasa, Personal deity 4. Visvat svarupa. Worship of everything 5. Non-Duality. Verse 11: Suitable values. Crazy wisdom gurus. Follow dharma to protect society. Verse 12: Firmly commit yourself to maintaining an ethical code even after your devotion to Isvara/God is firm. Verse 13: As long the notion of doership is present there is the danger of a fall. Enlightenment Sickness. Dharma trumps enlightenment. Verse 14: For as long as the body lasts, one should minimally engage in worldly activities and only perform those actions necessary to sustain the body. Non-dual devotion is expectation-free. Verses 15-22. Various definitions of the characteristics of devotion. Love in presence, love in absence. Unconditional love. Verse 23: If you forget that every person is your self, only selfish passion remains. More Vedanta seminars. More english yoga seminars: Please visit Yoga Vidya for more inspiring talks and spiritual community:

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