Ron Smothermon ist ein Amerkanischer Autor von einigen Büchern über das Leben, wie man es meistern kann, wie er das Ego sieht, usw, usw....
Warum wir ein Ego haben und wie wir damit umgehen können ist nur eines der Themen, die er ausführlich und doch prägnant wiedergibt.
Er ist studierter Arzt. Sein Fachgebiet ist Psychotherapie. Er hat als Psychotherapeut in Kalifornien gearbeitet.
Ich war und bin begeistert von seinen Büchern, die man für kleines Geld gebraucht über das Internet kaufen kann.
Drehbuch für Meisterschaft im Leben
Das Mann-Frau Buch
Handbuch für das dritte Jahrtausend
sind nur einige seiner Titel, die auf deutsch erschienen sind.
Des weiteren hat er einen Korrespondenz Kurs entwickelt, bei dem man mit ihm oder einem von ihm ausgebildeten Mentor Briefe wechselt. Man bekommt kleine Aufgaben und Feedback zu dem was man schreibt.
Ich würde gerne diesen Kurs machen. Mir fehlt es an den finanziellen Möglichkeiten diesen Kurs zu machen.
Es gibt einen Member dieser Comunity, der diesen Kurs abietet.
Ich kann diesen Kurs nur mit bestem Gewissen empfehlen. Alle, die das Gefühl haben das ihr Leben nicht richtig rund läuft, das sie ihre Kreativität nicht voll entfaltet haben, das sie mehr Potential haben zum Glücklichsein, all denen kann ich diesen Kurs wärmstens empfehlen.
Hallo Jyoti, danke für die Nachricht.
Man muss in dieser Welt gar nichts.
Du wirst es vermutlich freiwillig mehrmals lesen.
Welches der Bücher hast du denn?
Gruß aus Bäd Meinbörg
Hey es stimmt gar nicht das der kostenlose Text hier endet.
Es geht weiter. Ron schreibt:
"Jemand der dich liebte und den du liebtest sprach zu dir über deine angebliches Unperfekt sein und du hast es geglaubt.
Es gab damit kein Problem und du hast angefangen es zu glauben. Ab da war es ein Problem.
Um diejenigen, von denen du abhängig warst zu manipulieren und zu dominieren in deinen frühen Jahren hast du dich verkauft und bist mit gegangen um miteinander aus zu kommen.
Nun bezahlst du den Preis für deine Unwahrheit damals. Und ich betone es war deine Entscheidung. Niemand hat dir das angetan so sehr es auch vernünftig klingt das zu behaupten.
Du wurdest nicht gezwungen negative Überzeugungen über dich selbst zu entwickeln. Du hast das getan mit der Absicht jemand zu dominieren.
Wenn du nun sagst das jemand dir das angetant hat machst du eine Ausrede für dich selbst und erfindest einen Grund warum das sich nicht ändern kann.
Die Wahrheit funktioniert. Behaupten das jemand anderer für deine Negativität verantwortlich ist funktioniert nicht; darum ist es nicht wahr.
Was ich mit dem Ausdruck "es funktioniert nicht" meine ist das die Erklärung das jemand anderer verantwortlich ist für deine Negativität nichts ändert in Richtung deine Negativität zu überwinden so das du in einem natürlichen Zustand von Zufriedenheit bist.
Nur die Verantwortung für dich selbst zu übernehmen funktioniert.
Du kannst kleine positive Sätze über dich sagen für den Rest deines Lebens doch solange du nicht verantwortlich bist funktioniert nichts.
Was du ohne Verantwortung hast ist ein Haufen Negativität eingeschlossen in kleine positive Sprüche.
(Bemerkung: Verantwortung hat im Amerikanischen etwas andere Bedeutung wie im Deutschen. Es meint sehr stark das man etwas kreiert, erschaffen hat.)
Gut, ich mache mir mal das Vergügen und übersetze ein bisschen:
"Ich möchte dich an etwas erinnern, das du vor langer Zeit wusstest als du noch ein kleines Kind warst und das du vergessen hast: Du bist perfekt.
Schau dir das nächste kleine Kind an, das du siehst und du wirst die Erfahrung machen das Menschen perfekt sind.
Du bist perfekt, sogar du! Das ist so klar wie irgend etwas. Genau so klar wie die Tatsache das es Blockaden gibt, die die Erfahrung verhindern und den Ausdruck der Perfektion behindern.
Blockaden, die genannt werden "Glaubenssätze das du weniger als perfekt bist. (Remark: Art nannte das limiting believes. - einschränkende Überzeugungen.)
Erinnere dich das du nichts glauben musst was eine Tatsache ist. Was eine Tatsache ist kannst du direkt erfahren und braucht keinen Glauben.
Also wenn du meint du seist weniger als perfekt habe ich damit kein Problem. Es ist eine Tatsache das ich das erwarte.
Doch woher hast du solche absurden Glaubenssätze?"
(Der kostenlos veröffentlichte Text endet hier. Im "Buch Drehbuch für Meisterschaft im Leben" geht es hier natürlich weiter)
Hallo Jyoti, für weniger als 10,00 kannst du es auf Deutsch lesen.
Mir war es ein großes Vergnügen.
om shanti - Diamir
Und hier noch ein Ausschnitt, der legal auf Rons Seite verfügbar ist. (Für alles Englisch Sprecher)
Aus dem Buch Winning through Enlighenment:
Book One, Chapter Thirteen
Perfection and Your Victim Story
Your basic nature is that of perfection.
I want to remind you of something you knew long ago, when you were a small child, and which you forgot: you are perfect. Take a look at the next small child you see and you can experience directly that people are perfect. You are perfect, even you. Now, this is as clear as anything there is. Just as clear is the fact that there are blocks to the experience and expression of that perfection, blocks which are called “beliefs that you are less than perfect.” Remember that you don’t have beliefs for what is true. What is true is directly experienceable and doesn’t require believing. So, if you have a belief that you are not perfect, I have no trouble with that. In fact, I expect it. But where would such an absurd belief come from?
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Book Two, Chapter Two
Enlightenment is the natural condition of life after you strip the unnatural heavy and dark conditions away.
“Enlightenment,” much like “love” and “responsibility,” is a much misunderstood word. So, I want you to be clear about it before we go any further. Many seem to think that enlightenment is a feeling and it is not. Some think enlightenment is understanding, and that’s not be even close. There is nothing emotional or intellectual about enlightenment. You can’t get it from your mother and you can’t get it at school. It has something to do with love, but not as you probably understand that word.
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Book Five, Chapter Seven
The Story
You are not the product of your environment as your story would have it.
As people progress through life, in the ordinary course of events, they collect a memory of what happened on the journey. As time passes these memories are reworked and edited, practiced and preached, until they come into line with a false identity supported by a “story.: The purpose of the story is three-fold: (1) to make the teller right and others wrong, (2) to explain the reasons things turned out the way they did, and (3) to give the teller a sense of who he is, which, without the story, is apparently missing.
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Book Three, Chapter Five
As it turned out, you survived. Therefore, your parents did their job. Anything else you ever said about it was in the service of being right.
“Parents” are those people who had a significant role in being with you and administering to your basic needs in early life, until you began to survive on your own without their assistance. Your biological parents may or may not have been your real parents. To deal with this issue of parents, you must correctly identify who your real parents were or are and give up your griping about those people who you think should have been your parents. It may be that you lived in the same household with your biological parents and had one or more additional real parents. Brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends of the family, and others serve us as parents. You may be unconscious about who your real parents are if you are stuck in a belief system about who your parents should be.
As with all relationships in life, the relationship with a parent has a purpose. Now, much is added to the real purpose of having a relationship with a parent. A parent is not designed to instantly gratify all of your wants and needs. Nor is a parent relationship designed to make you feel good about yourself. You are responsible for that. A parent is not designed to program you to make the right choices in life. You are responsible for all of your choices in life. The purpose of a parent is as follows: to be with you and assist you in surviving until you can survive on your own. Anything else you may have said about it, good or bad, has been in the service of putting yourself in a right position, so that you don’t have to face the fact of your responsibility for your own life and the way it turns out. I mean this in both senses. It is fine and generous to give credit to a parent for your life turning out well, and it does not express the ultimate truth about it. It is absolutely evil to blame a parent if you feel that your life did not turn out. It is evil because of the damage it does to you: you sacrifice your aliveness. Your life will not work until you have acknowledged responsibility for it. Figuring out how your parents did it to you does not work.
Now, as it turned out, you survived. Therefore, your parents did their job. No matter what you say about it, they did their job. Those people who had parents who do not do their job are not reading this, due to the fact that they did not survive. You, on the other hand, are living proof that your parents did their job. You know what? It isn’t even your parent’s job to have personalities that you like. Isn’t that a kicker? I’ll bet you anything you thought they were supposed to win some sort of personality contest with you. If you have baggage about any of this, unburden yourself. Life works better enlightenend.
The issue of love comes up often with parents. The question frequently asked is, “Did my parents really love me?” What love is, is fulfillment of purpose in relationship, not that emotional garbage you thought it was. The truth is that if your parents put up with you until you could survive on your own ( which they obviously did), then they loved you. That is, they fulfilled their purpose in your life. If you are not satisfied with the way in which they fulfilled their purpose, that is your problem, not your parent’s. Don’t you dare lay that one on them. You probably won’t have any trouble noticing that you are carrying around a lot of “stuff” in life. It was no different with your parents. They burdened themselves with stuff, too. In fact, you were privileged to experience some of it. You probably liked some of it so much that you made some similar stuff of your very own. So when you become enlightened, by unloading your stuff, you do it by knowing that you are not your stuff and that you are responsible for it. We won’t let you have double standards. If you are not your stuff, then your parents were not their stuff either. When you know that, you have an opportunity to relate to your Self for who you are, not who you aren’t. Take and do likewise with your parents. So the ground of being in relationship to parents is that parents and children love each other profoundly. And there are blocks to the experience and expression of that love on both sides. So what? It doesn’t really matter if the form of the relationship never changes. Nevertheless, people want the form of the relationship to change, so I’m going to tell you how to do it.
Let them be right. You be wrong. Who cares who is right and who is wrong anyway? Quit resisting them. Let them be right. You won’t not survive if you let them be right. I promise you that what is under their need to be right is a deep love for you. By resisting their positions you block the experience and expression of their love for you, and your love for them as well. Where you want to be with your parents is complete on the past so you can begin to relate to each other in the present. You don’t start on the road to completeness by being incomplete. Being incomplete doesn’t exist. Feeling incomplete merely supports the position that you are right. Give up being right, and the experience of completeness, which has always been under the stuff, will be manifest in your experience. Make your relationship with your parents perfect, if you think you can handle it. You may have a need to be at odds with your parents. In fact, if you are, you do. So, if this is the case, what is up for you is to become aware and responsible for this kinky need so that you can give it up if you choose to.
By the way, your parents don’t have to be alive for you to complete the relationship. Completion is a process of telling the truth that happens within you.
If you are willing to complete your relationship with your parents by telling the truth, it will then be possible for the rest of your relationships to be perfect as well. The thing about parents is crucial because that is the nucleus in which your mind patterns about relationships began. Until you clean that up, the whole thing is less than what is possible. As usual, you clean this one up by dropping the extra baggage of your mind stuff, thus becoming enlightened.
Es gab mal einen Internet life chat mit Ron.
Organisiert von dem deutschen Verlag in dem seine Bücher erschienen.
Ich habe ihm die Frage gestellt mit was er als Psychotherapeut am meisten beschäftigt ist.
Seine Antwort:
Das Menschen andere Menschen nicht so akzeptieren wie sie sind.
om shanti - Diamir
Nicht zu verachten sind die kostenlosen Ausschnitte in Englischer Sprache.
Hier der Ausschnitt aus Handbook for the Third Millennium by Ron Smothermon, M.D.
Chapter Two
Your father loved you, in his heart, exactly as your mother loved you. His expression of his love was filtered through his man-ness making his love hard for a child to experience as love.
Your relationship with authority has its origin in your relationship with the first person who laid down the law to you and backed it up with consequences which you definitely wanted to avoid. This is my definition for the word father: that individual who laid down the ground rules of life and backed them up with consequences with which you could not live.
For most this person will have been the biological father, however this could also have been a step-father, older brother or sister, or teacher. Even mother can be father by this definition just as father can be mother by definition: the primary caretaker in the earliest years of life.
Whoever this was for you, if you do not exist in the world in the experience of true equality, here is what happened: you withdrew yourself as a living acknowledgement of your Father’s love for you and went into a power strugglewith him. This power struggle has its origin in the function of the mind which is to survive by dominating and avoiding domination.
Then, for the rest of your life, whenever you are confronted with authority, you project all the patterns of struggle you created in relationship to your Father and thus you react to all authority as if it were your Father.
It does not begin this way, of course, it begins with the admiration and respect for your Father. To avoid domination you begin to oppose your Father at whatever level you think you can get away with. The opposition to father has its roots in the blame father takes for the family not working the way you visualize that it should work. When father is blamed it makes plenty of sense to a child to resolve to become the opposite of father. This is the root cause of opposition to father.
The form of your opposition to father is bent like a beam of light through the lens of your personality. If your basic personality movement is against others then your opposition looks like full-blown rebellion. If your basic personality movement is with others you will treat your Father well and simply think the most evil thoughts about him. If your basic movement is away from others your opposition will look like withdrawal and avoidance – you do your best not to think about him.
The journey home is a return to the condition of admiration and respect for your Father with recognition and acknowledgment of your Father’s absolute love for you. Reading this does not make it so for you, and you may now be saying to yourself, “No way, I am an exception, my Father, in reality did not love me.” It looks that way because your Father is an expression pf patrism as you yourself are an expression of patrism. Love expressed through the distorting lens of patrism is difficult to experience as love.
Or you may be saying to yourself, “I am an exception, I know that my Father loves me and I am on good terms with him.” That may be and it also may be a defense you have. It may not be exactly accurate, and if it is accurate you may well be incomplete with authority anyway because it has become the abstract social model in which people live to have evil thoughts about others in authority, and to not support those who appear to be in authority.
Here is the way home: I promise to fuse my identity with the idea that all expressions of love. Once again, there can be no exceptions. You cannot attach to the end of the promise the phrase, “except for the expressions of my Father” or “except for the way strangers treat me.”
Hallo Jyoti, ich bedanke mich für die Nachfrage.
Alle Bücher kann man in beliebiger Reihenfolge lesen.
Und man kann sie "querlesen", man sollte nur das Vorwort lesen, da Ron einige Begriffe anders gebraucht.
Beispiel: Wir sagen "Geist". Damit meinen wir ein körperloses Wesen oder den Denkenden Teil oder einen Teil des Menschen.
So unklare Begriffe mag Ron nicht. Darum würder er für Teil des Menschen und körperloses Wesen nicht den selben Begriff verwenden.
Also wenn man die kurze Definition gelesen hat kann man an jeder Stelle in jedem Buch einsteigen.
(Finde ich einen großen Vorteil)
So welches für den Anfang?
Ich meine Handbuch für das dritte Jahrtausend. (ist bisschen teuer bei Amazon)
Drehbuch für Meisterschaft im Leben (bekommt man für unter 10,00 incl. Versand)
Die Bücher bauen nicht unbedingt auf einander auf.
Also ich empfehle Drehbuch für Meisterschaft im Leben für den Anfang.
Om shanti - Gruß aus Bad Meinberg