3 weeks in paradise (2009 05 09 )

i asked the lord for abunch of fresh flowersbut instead he gave mean ugly cactus withmany thornes.i asked the lordfor some beautifulbutterfiesbut instead he gave memany ugly anddreadful worms.i was threatened.i was disapponted.i mourned.but after many days,suddenly,i saw the cactusbloom with manybeautiful flowers,and those worms becamebeautiful butterfliesflying in the spring wind.god´s way is the best way.Chun-Ming Kao(writing from prison)The more I am here at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg the more I grow . I feel how spiritually loaded this place is and I realy wonder how close to paradise I am. When I walk aronud in the building get the feeling that everything works together in a great and unmeasurable harmony for obtaining this auspicious mood.A long walk in the park after a delicious vegetarian lunch.I have nice company...sun,birds and the uniqoue smell of may.
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