Radiant immortal Atman! Beloved children of Light! My first request to you, is: Begin the New Year by lifting up your heart, mind, and your entire being to God and asking Him earnestly and sincerely that the New Year may be an ideal year filled with 365 ideal, golden days divinely lived, filled with truthfulness, compassion, kindness, purity, and nobility of thought, word and deed. May everyday that you live bring some benefit to all life around you! May everyday of this New Year that you live be the source of good and joy to others, and bring happiness to others! May it be helpful to all the living creatures, and even to inanimate and immobile things like trees and plants. Feel your oneness with all humanity. Be a world citizen. May the oneness of all life and the fraternity of mankind be always the guiding sentiment in the living of your life! Be large-hearted. Be forgiving, loving, expressing humaneness, friendliness and not allowing any negativity in your heart.
And when you wake up in the morning, wake up with the resolution that "I will make this New Year four times as valuable, beautiful, ideal and useful as the year that has just passed. Let the future be better than the past." Cast a bird's-eye-view on the previous year-what have been its fine points, minus points and drawbacks. You may make up your mind, correct all the errors, and see that they are not repeated in the New Year.
Make the New Year a better one. The effort should be progress, progress and ascent. The overall law that prevails in all life upon this earth is the law of evolution, ascending from the lower to the higher, still higher until fullness and perfection is reached.
You must never forget that the living of human life is a progression upon the path of evolution. Keep this in mind and see that everything that you think or speak, every action that you engage in takes you further and upward upon this path of evolution and perfection. You must utilise the God given intelligence in the highest measure. Human life means an ascent to perfection, because you are made in the likeness of God. And God is all-full, all-perfect. So the potential for that perfection, that Divinity is already there in you.
That which is latent should be made dynamically patent.
Divine thou art, let divine be your life. Therefore, be divine hundred per cent in everything that you do, think and feel. Make your life sublime. Never forget your real nature that you are a wave in the Ocean of pure Divine Consciousness, you are a part of eternal Existence. May God and Gurudev shower their grace upon you all!
Eine Neujahrsbotschaft von Swami Chidananda von vor etwa 20 Jahren. Swami Chidananda hat 2008 seinen physischen Körper verlassen.